To Segah Selaan OneStop Homestay & village Shop (SS1SHS) its takes about 6hrs drive by 4WD from Miri (approximately 244KM). or you can take flight from Miri to Long Akah Airport and than 1hrs drive to the homestay. SS1SHS located half-way along the timber main logging road to Bario Highland. SS1SHS use generators and solar to generate electricity.
Activity available include explore waterfall, Swimming, Relaxing and Picnic, Jungle Trekking & Hiking and also fishing, Visit longhouses, cultural performance and etc.
12 homestay rooms, village Shop, mini restaurant (Separated Halal & Non-Halal Kitchen), Transportation Services, local tour/Sightseeing to the hidden gems of Borneo & other parts of Baram (Upper Baram), local products, Handicraft and etc.
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